Check your heating bills this winter for possible higher rates. Utility bills often spike in the winter due to higher energy demand and usage.
It's a good idea to hire a heating and air professional to tune up your HVAC system prior to the cold season. An annual inspection can lower your heating bills in the winter.
Check your entire home for air leaks and drafts. If you find any, seal them immediately. The sooner you do, the sooner you can potentially save on your energy bills.
Always be conscious about how energy is distributed throughout your home. Turn off the heating in rooms you know will not be occupied for hours.
The sun provides energy, light, and heat, all of which can be harnessed for free. Many homeowners have turned to solar technology, including solar water heaters, to cut utility costs.
Avoid running light loads in the dishwasher and washing machine. Fill up both machines based on manufacturer instructions and save water as well as heat.
Various types of window treatments can improve weatherization. South-facing windows can let in natural sunlight and heating during the day. Consider curtains and coverings for times when you want to block sunlight.
It pays off in a short time to invest in appliances designed for high efficiency. Consider the most efficient models when you upgrade your hot water heater or furnace.
You can still enjoy hot showers if you set your water heater to the "warm" position. Keeping the temperature set at 120 degrees can save money compared with the hottest setting.
These days many homeowners want modern equipment in their homes, such as a programmable thermostat. This smart device can be programmed to automatically lower the heat when you are away from home or sleeping at night.
It's more energy efficient to use a power strip when you need to provide electricity for multiple electronic devices. A power strip also has a surge protector.
Contact our team at Tompkins Insurance Agencies for more information on protecting your assets during the cold season and all year round.