
Why Vacation Time is Important to Your Small Business

Nov 08, 2016


Why Vacation Time is Important to Your Small Business

Taking regular breaks can benefit your business.

Many business owners are so busy juggling work and family time that we forget to take a vacation or even a one-day holiday. If you can’t remember when you last booked some (very much needed) time off work, you could be cheating your small business. Although it may sound counterintuitive, taking regular breaks away from work is one of the best ways to keep your business in top shape. Studies show that those who take regular vacation time are more engaged with their companies, better performers, more productive workers, and happier with their companies! Finally, that two-week vacation to Europe doesn’t seem like a bad idea after all. Even for business owners, getting away from work means that they’re able to return back, refreshed and ready with new ideas. Even though a vacation is on the cards, a break from technology is required, too. It may seem impossible to pry your smartphone out of your hands while you’re out of the office, but it’s important to make sure you’re not constantly checking work emails while away. Not convinced that time away from the office is beneficial? Read on!

  • It prioritizes family time - A scheduled vacation allows you to plan time off with your family so that you can spend some quality time together. Also, it allows you to let clients know that you’ll be out of the office and set up a forwarding email address and number.
  • It regains work-life balance – As a business owner, you may be skimping on your vacation or sick days. Allow yourself to enjoy time off away from work to reenter your priorities and create your own work culture that values time away from the office.
  • It empowers your employees – With you out of the office, other team members will be forced to step up to the plate and ‘fill your shoes’ for a solid ten days. If you haven’t already, train your team to handle certain tasks while you’re gone, and you’ll be surprised at how many rise to the occasion.

Taking a regular vacation is all about maintaining the productivity of your company – and your sanity! From relieving stress to focusing thoughts to resting, a holiday can do you and your business more good than harm. At Tompkins, we believe that no business should compromise their company over a holiday. Our team of professionals can help you to select the right business insurance policy for your small company! Contact us today to get started!  

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